Name: Honghui Luo

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Tu Minority

From: Baojing, Hunan

Birthdate: 3/11/2005

School: 6th Grade, Qianling Elementary School

Household: 6 person

Address: Sazhu Village, Wanmipo County, Baojing Town, West Hunan



Family Annual Income: 5000 CNY

 "My name is Honghui Luo, I am 10 years old. My grandparents are in their 80th, grandma is disabled, grandpa has asthma. They have to take medicines daily. My father is also healthy, but he needs work to support my sister and I through schools. My mother is doing laundry for living. Last year, my father went through a major surgery, and my family has been in debt since then. I love school and my grade has been above the average. I hope you can help us to unburden my parents’ work load."
